Neither Working nor Studying

Young people who belong to the so-called NEET group need to be additionally motivated and empowered in order to return to the system, which they usually leave out of a lack of trust or difficult life circumstances

A Better Life Only in Pictures

The spouses Oljača from Vukovar live on 960 kuna of welfare a month. They spend 400 kuna a month on medicine. Both being in poor health, this is still not enough for all the necessary medicine. “The biggest problem is Andol against blood clotting. I don’t have the money to buy it, so I sometimes borrow it from my husband, but then he skips his dose,” says Ivana Oljača

Aleksa Paunović

Aleksa Paunović – the Man Who Built Vukovar

The story of the wealthiest Serb in Vukovar, who found himself at a fair in Šabac as a boy, after which his life was never the same again. He built and bought an estate so large that he became the richest Vukovar citizen after Count Eltz